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Write It Out: a safe space, and accountability group for writers

Write It Out: 

an accountability group for writers.

Wednesdays 5-7pm


I love Julia Cameron’s advice to “keep the drama on the page”. Her crisp line drawn in the sand…do we want to write the swirl around us down, processing all the way? or read our very own juicy tale over and over, creating a short story, blogpost or content for our website? 

Tired of hearing yourself say you didn’t do it?

Send Mary an email ( to let her know you’ll be joining, Venmo: Maryhill@Mary-Hill-171 

15. before class and she’ll send you the Zoom link.

The class will begin right after 5, with a prompt, which you can use or not. We'll write for 1 hour, and then read our writing with structured feedback.

Feedback suggestions:

“I liked the way you described the bark of the tree.”

“I felt excited when she broke away from her abusive family”.


“The author’s language was so rich and luxurious”.

Say what’s true for you, don’t pretend.

If someone has mentioned that particular item, you can mention it again, but quickly, and then go on to another acknowledgement.

Giving feedback is an art in itself. I was very self conscious in the beginning to give it, “who am I?” to think I know…but we each have valuable perspectives and week after week, becomes year after year, and all of the work gels in to something wonderful.

Self- expression

Creativity on the page

New ways of writing about life around us and our internal dialogue.

Mary attended a Writing Salon for 7 years like the one she’d offered and worked through the shock of losing her mother, experiencing her kids grow up and move out. She writes about life with her aging Dad, middle age, and the artist's life. Find some of her work on her website