“If you could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint.”
– Edward Hopper

An Excuse to Use Color
Color has always been a part of my work. Even when I think I am painting with muted colors, the outcome is vibrant and colorful. I used to feel embarrassed, about the bold colors I chose, like my art was too childlike. “Art should be more realistic”, I would think, but realism was never my strength or my interest. Color is my primary interest, the subject is always secondary. A golden yellow blob near a dark green background with a speck of blue floating nearby, YES!
Large paintings reflect the changes I have made between time periods. One painting may be geometric but six months later the next painting is full of dripping paint and paper collage. A few years ago I painted bouquets of flowers, they seem so calm and orderly.
Working in a number of mediums gives me a wide range of expression. I am so grateful to experience work that teaches me new material every time I make it . When I sculpt a face or sew a strange little dress, I let go of how it may turn out. Trekking through unknown territory is the reason I make art.